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70 Topics 278 Posts


  • 2 Topics
    7 Posts

    Hi, my friend just had a baby 2 days ago. Her oldest (21 mos) has been hysterically crying since being introduced to baby brother. Any tips/tricks to help her through the transition? I told her to put more emphasis on her being a 'big sister' and less about the baby.

  • 6 Topics
    26 Posts

    I think we’re a little young for Harry Potter, any recommendations on chapter books to read to kids at bedtime (or have them read). Our kids like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. TIA!

  • 19 Topics
    66 Posts

    does anyone have any information on preschools in Wimberley Texas? I’m asking for a client of mine. That’s moving to Wimberley. She has a four year-old and a two-year-old thanks in advance.

  • 14 Topics
    58 Posts

    Hi mamas! I have a middle school boy who runs around with the neighborhood boy gang having fun, which sometimes includes ding dong ditching houses (all at a reasonable hour- like 7 or 8 pm). We have a neighbor that has lost his mind and is a total jerk about it. Growing up I considered this good clean fun. I have told my son to leave this house alone but it begs the question- is this an acceptable pastime or does it need to be left in the 80s and 90s? Thanks!!

  • 6 Topics
    12 Posts

    I've never really known what normal protocol looks like. Occasionally I have ordered a pizza or something, but does anyone have a standard practice on this?

  • 1 Topics
    1 Posts

    We've worked hard to foster a family community where our kids don't feel like they need to be in competition with one another, but they're close in age and the same gender, so it seems to be happening some anyway. Usually it's over dumb stuff like who gets to pick the first song in the car or open the mailbox, but I wish I could make it stop! Would love any tips. It's not ever a huge deal, but it happens enough times throughout the day to frustrate me, and it's not a pattern i want to continue.

  • 1 Topics
    6 Posts

    Moms with ADHD kids but aren't ready to medicate. What are you doing to support your child? She needs a boost and I don't want her confidence to be effected but I want to try and support her in other areas before jumping to medication.

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  • 6 Topics
    31 Posts

    Any recommendations for sleep training/sleep experts in the Austin area?

  • 2 Topics
    17 Posts

    Looking for a good, affordable option for a smart watch to help me keep tabs on where my kids are. I have heard good things about the gizmo. Any suggestions welcomed!

  • Tonsillectomy tips- 6 year old

    6 year old getting his tonsils out, please send all the tips!! How can we best prepare for this?!

    Solved 0 7 209
  • Two-year old only wants to be held

    My 2yo only wants to be held most often. It's exhausting especially when I want to make food or a meal or just get anything done. She has older siblings so does have entertainment (lol), and I'll set up playdough or a coloring project for her. But looking for any other tips or suggestions!

    0 7 173
  • Blood drawn - tips and tricks

    My son has a fear of getting his blood drawn, mostly the fear is of the pain. Any tips or tricks?!

    Solved 0 6 143
  • Minecraft

    I know nothing about Minecraft, but my daughter is obsessed with having this game on her iPad. My husband turned off chat feature etc. but I’m still uneasy. Is this game appropriate for a 1st grader? We limit iPad time to one day per week for specified amount of time.

    1 4 131
  • Thoughts on a Trampoline

    Curious to know your thoughts on a trampoline for the kids?! We love the idea, but worry about injuries or having friends come over and get injured. Do you have one? What do you think about this? Are we worrying too much?

    0 6 131
  • Going from 2 kids to 3

    Just found out I’m pregnant with a third and trying not to freak about being outnumbered. This is definitely a surprise my husband and I weren’t expecting. We have a five year old and three year old. Please share all your tips, tricks and anything you would do preparing for a third!

    0 8 130
  • Kid friendly Spotify stations

    Tell me some favorite (not Kidzbop) Spotify stations for elementary kids, specifically 5 year old girl and 8 year old boy. One more round of Uptown Funk might send me over the edge. 🤪

    0 3 85
  • Obsessive cleaning 5 year old? OCD?

    Hi! My 5 year old cleans to self regulate. He’ll vacuum the car, make his siblings beds and during free time at school he likes to sweep. He feels so much better when things are tidy! And also feels very yucky when things are messy or dirty. He literally lugs our huge vacuum up the stairs on weekends and vacuums everything. Our car is the cleanest minivan a mom of 3 kids 5 and under has ever seen! I have two other kids (and he’s a twin) so I believe it’s just in his nature and hoping it’s not me, but at what point do I need to be concerned about OCD tendencies? Anyone else have kids obsessed with cleaning? Or have older children who grew out of this phase? No idea what to tag this lol

    Solved 0 2 82
  • Granuloma Annulare

    Has anyone dealt with Granuloma Annulare? and if so, did your child also have another condition like EBV? Or recent mono?

    0 2 78
  • Pre k or kinder?

    My sons birthday is August 31st and the cut off is September 1 for kindergarten. I’m struggling if I should put him in kinder and make him repeat or if I should put him in a private pre school, he is currently at the public pre school but can’t stay there since he is old enough for kindergarten.. what should I do?

    0 4 52
  • From One to Two Kids

    Hii! Looking for suggestions on the best books you read with your toddler to prepare them for a new baby AND the best books you/your partner read on how to prepare your toddler for the transition. Thanks in advance!

    0 2 47
  • Night terrors, fever dreams/nightmares, etc

    Hey! Does anyone else’s child have night terrors when over tired?!? Or intense and alarming fever dreams?!? Do I need to talk to our pediatrician?!? He describes weird things ab his eyes and distorted vision when we discuss the next morning.

    0 2 34
  • Car & Jack

    Has anyone done the cat and jack return at target? Does the condition of the clothes matter? Do they have to be styles from within a year?

    0 1 13