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Making the Home Function

5 Topics 26 Posts
  • Systems that help your kids pick up after themselves

    We are starting from scratch in our house and I'm looking to implement systems that help my kids pick up after themselves. I have come to the realization that I can't pick up after everyone, there's simply not enough hours in the day! Chore charts? Natural rhythms? Want to hear it all, please!!

    0 7 442
  • Minimizing STUFF

    Currently trying to minimize the amount of stuff we have in our house. It’s like all of a sudden we are drowning-I guess I blacked out all those years that got us here. Looking for strategy on where to even start.

    Moved 0 2 399
  • How much is your housekeeper?

    Hi Austin moms, how much do you pay your housekeeper, and what does she do for that amount?
    For example-
    Mondays $225 whole house takes 4ish hours (2ppl)
    Thursdays $130 2ish hours and that’s a tidy plus washing and folding and putting away laundry.

    Now that we’re settling into our life as a family of 5, there’s just so many piles of stuff everywhere. Our kids are little and require a lot of attention, help, and we have a lot of potty accidents. I realize that it’s time for our oldest child to start doing a little more, but I sort of wish I had our housekeeper come over 3x per week with a solid plan for what to do each time she comes.

    I will say- I ordered a Hidden Helper from amazon and the kids have started to help with the dishes more. That thing’s been great.

    Tips appreciated.
    Thanks moms!

    1 10 158
  • Black plastics now toxic?!

    Saw all the new research about immediately toss all the black plastic cookware utensils!! What is everyone purchasing instead?!


    0 2 88
  • Patio refresh for Spring

    Doing a Spring refresh! Any hidden gems or favorite places to shop for outdoor rugs, furniture, planters etc??

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