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Fitness and Wellness

10 Topics 57 Posts
  • Working Moms, how do you find time to workout?

    Working Moms, how do you find time to workout? It's hard in the morning if I don't sleep the night before due to kid wake ups and after work is not happening.

    Moved 1 16 1k
  • Give the good, the bad, and the ugly on Ozempic? I’m really tempted to start but nervous. I have about 20ish lbs to lose to feel comfortable again

    Give the good, the bad, and the ugly on Ozempic? I’m really tempted to start but nervous. I have about 20ish lbs to lose to feel comfortable again

    Moved Solved 0 7 803
  • Avoiding the dreaded flu and all the viruses - Immunity Hacks!!

    Would love to hear all the natural ways that people are avoiding the flu, and boosting their immunity!!

    0 7 231
  • 10 pm night terrors / freak outs

    The days my 4 year old daughter doesn’t nap she wakes up about 2 hours after falling asleep in these crazy freak outs. She is usually just screaming and we can’t calm her down, or she’s crying about something outrageous like “my bunny is wet” when the stuffed bunny is definitely not wet. Takes 15-30 min to calm her. HELP!!!

    1 3 199
  • Constipation in kids...we need HELP!

    What is your go to? I have read that miralax is dangerous and the package says not to use for anyone under 17 yet this is what Dr's always recommend. Does anyone have any other suggestions to help constipated kids without using miralax?

    Solved 0 6 185
  • Orthopedic Rec

    I’m looking for the best doctor for rotator cuff surgery. Any recs?

    0 7 148
  • Postpartum Health/Fitness

    Okay, during your childbirth era, postpartum etc., when did you begin working out consistently? What did it look like? How much grace did you give yourself with a new baby and how much did you pressure yourself to prioritize your physical health and fitness?

    0 7 134
  • Room sharing HELP

    Hi mamas, Does anyone out there have any advice on how to nail room sharing? I have 2 girls, a 3-year-old and a 1-year-old and we are exhausted. They just wake each other up constantly. We have white noise on, one is in a crib, the other in a bed. Both were great sleepers, now up 3-4 times a night and ends with me and my husband playing musical bed swap. I'm running on an empty tank.

    2 1 97
  • Bedtime World War 3

    Bedtime with our five year old is, at best, world war 3 every night. We’ve tried countdowns to prepare her, winding down routine…every thing we’ve tried doesn’t work. She gets the sillies or stalls or gets defiant and melts and it’s just extremely exhausting. Does anyone have any advice?

    1 1 88
  • Uterus Ablation - feedback?

    Considering this but not sure it’s necessary….but would be nice to not have a period anymore since I’m done having babies. Looking for any feedback!

    0 2 85